Teenagers Twilight Pisses me off.

cheery_blossom posted on Aug 09, 2009 at 04:37AM

Anyone else?
last edited on Aug 09, 2009 at 06:18PM

Teenagers 27 replies

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over a year ago xxXsk8trXxx said…
I HATE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­
I love Anne Rice books, Harry Potter, Watchmen, The Umbrella Academy,
BUT NOT A PLOTLESS BOOK THAT'S ABOUT AN ABUSIVE VAMPITE AND A MARY SUE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
I HATE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago teamalice_0 said…
hey :(. could you please not talk about that on here please. I don't like Harry potter,
and you don't see me going off about it, and it doesn't exsist either, and has no plot.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago princesspinkla said…
F*** this I love Twi
over a year ago DavidJS23 said…
everyone has the right to their own opinion. if you like twilight thats fine, but if you dont (and i really really REALLY dont) then you still have the right to say it.
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
well i agree with you there. im not a huge fan of harry potter.

Its just that two of my best friends got into a fight over TWILIGHT. of all things. And there trying to drag me into it, and its so immature i wanna kill BOTH of them.
over a year ago moo000 said…
I agree that everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but it can be annoying when twilight fans/ people who hate twilight go on about it on compleatly un related spots.
I suggest you join the CAT (Critical analisis of twilight) spot. It is great to talk about the series, other than just 'OMG EDWARD IS SO HOT' or something stupid like that
over a year ago daddiesgirl said…
Twilight for me used to be this big deal, but now since the movie came out it just doesn't hold its "draw" anymore. What pisses me of the most is when people say they love twilight and then they go and say they love just the movie and haven't read the books. Why the h*** would you say you liked something if you only kno about what is in the movie??? Common Sense people- go read the books too!!!!
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
im just saying, people who say they just love the movie still DO love twilight. The movie is still entitled "twilight" and its basically the same story line. Yes, it does make more sense to read the book too, but just cuz they havent doesnt mean there not real fsns.

Sorry if i offended anyone about this, but i feel very strongly about it. I feel like there is a ridiculuos amount of teenage girls in love with a fictional vampire. And since this is the teenagers spot....
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
it gives vampires a bad name!

I miss buffy :(
over a year ago Thalia_huntress said…
i used to hate it but my mom made me watch and now idon't know why but i like it. i was a big fan but i dont really like it now.
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over a year ago momo0231 said…
i don't like it and whenever i tell my friend she gets mad! even when i'm like "i really don't like Twilight" it's just annoying
over a year ago LabraLege said…
I hate it too... Probably the worst thing I have ever read. But, fangirls, you don't need to insult everyone who has diffirent opinion to keep your own.
over a year ago cheery_blossom said…
I'm part of the CAT spot already. And this isn't a completley unrelated spot. This is the teenagers spot, and most twilight fans are teenagers.
over a year ago Mrs-Grint said…
^^ I'm part of the CAT spot, too! I love it!

But I HATE Twilight. With a passion. It really does give a bad name to the fantasy genre. It's an awful series, it gives so many bad messages to the fans, for example: Stalking is romantic, It's OK to be a pedophile because you can't help it... It's just sick, Stephenie Meyer is really messing up our youth. I mean, there are TONS of teenage girls which drool over it, when there is much more better literature to read! Meyer is totally over-powering great authors like Anne Rice, Stephen King, JK Rowling etc, with praise that she doesn't deserve.

What REALLY annoys me, that it is so anti-feminist, I consider myself to be a strong feminist and it sends the entire wrong message to female fans. Bella is a whiny, annoying Mary-Sue that cannot survive without a man in her life. Not to mention, she's Meyer's self-insert, but with what she wished highschool was like. Which is totally pathetic.

Also, people comparing Twilight to Harry Potter. It's the freaking media, just because one authors earning the big bucks doesn't mean the others have to step down! Rowling spent ten years creating her own magical world. Meyer, in my opinion, has the writing talent of a newborn horse and who on EARTH would write about some wet dream they had? It's just weird. And gross. And weird.

Sorry for the rant here, but just expressing myself, I suppose. XD

~~ Annie x
over a year ago jodith said…
gosh i used to like it not a real fan just watch it,,but now i cant stand it..
over a year ago Cutebutcrazy-- said…
I used to like twilight till everyone became ohh edward cullen ooo jacob black you don't like the characters you like the guys who play them. Its the same thing with all books that become movies and have really hot guys in it or the hot girls. Its annoying twilight now sucks because everyone over killed it...
over a year ago Domilie4ever said…
I HATE HATE HATE twilight and all the fanatism around it! But (in my opinion) the worst thing of twilight is Kristen Stwart.This girl shouldn't be an "actress"....
No offence to anyone,this is just my opinion :)
over a year ago andrealovesshia said…
I hate it :)
over a year ago Mallory101 said…
I'm not a fan of Twilight. But I agree with moo000
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over a year ago amymeymy said…
I don't hate it, but come on! yes, too many teenage girls are falling in love with fictional character as in Edward, who I think is an unhappy little (sparkly?)vampire anyway.
I never used to mind it, I mean, I could watch it. But now, the whole Twilight craze is making me crazy... there is more to life than it, though some people don't know it. And I am not trying to offend anyone, I just won't say it out loud because I'll probably receive icy glares and 'you don't fit in' looks from people who I don't really care about anyway, because they obviously love Twilight enough to think I'm a weirdo for not liking it... and I'll stop now.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago clevercaoimhe said…
anyone who loves twilight is called a twi-tard
over a year ago Shepard14 said…
I really don't like it because I am a die-hard Harry Potter fan, but I don't hate people who do....I know many who love it...all I can say is don't try to bring me over to the Twi-side, 'cuz it ain't going to work!
over a year ago melikhan said…
i like it!
over a year ago drunksheep said…
i hate it too! can't stand at those idiots vampires -_-
over a year ago twi-heart said…
i like it but i dont love it
i loved the books and always will
i dont know how althis becane but it needs to stop
and u guys are right u should be able to state ur own opinion
and i also thnk vampire diaries is better sry twi-hard fans
~~~~~~~~~~~~abbey XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jen929 said…
wow amazing how a simple word (TWILIGHT) can provoke such extrem emotions in people lol personally i love all types of vampires(but alucard and vampire hunter d is by far my favs!!) so when twilight came out i went to see it and was very dissapionted in the way that this story had so much potencial but they ruined it and lost the chance by casting these (not horrible)but very mediocore acters to play the main roles the other ones i have no problem but that god awful way kristien stewart "acts" shes just basically a zombie with a wig!!!lol but i will admit the only twilight movie i liked was eclipse cause the main acters actually brothered to act and plus it made me laugh a little!! all in all ITS JUST A MOVIE!! or book it wast meant to be the greates work of literaue of our generation or movie so just sit back and wiat till all this hype cools off for us non-obsesive fangirls and for the batshit crazy fans take youre meds and kept to youre self
wow amazing how a simple word (TWILIGHT) can provoke such extrem emotions in people lol personally i
over a year ago MaddyPayne said…
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