Penguins of Madagascar Make a joke for the penguins.

ggreen7295 posted on Jul 27, 2010 at 11:58PM
Col. Kowalski gave me an Idea. And I formatted that Idea to this! Make up jokes that are penguins of Madagascar related. Knock-Knocks, what/who crossed the road, anything! It can even be Corney! I'll make one...

At 1900 hours, the penguins were just about ready to begin eating dinner. But while there were only two minutes remaining on their fried catfish cooking on the stove, Private just couldn't wait to eat.

"Private, don't fill up on bread," Skipper declared as Private began to butter a roll. "Save room for dinner."

Once the fish had finished cooking, Skipper placed it on the table. Private took an average-sized piece, but Rico took and began to devour a huge chunk.

"Rico, don't fill up on dinner," Skipper conveyed as Rico swallowed another piece of fish. "Save room for dynamite."

... OK, I admit, I just stole that from one of SJF_Penguin's Dabbles... But... If you want to see more check out his fan-fiction: link

...So... top it do you think you can make one that is better than that? Post it! And can be anytype of joke!
last edited on Jul 28, 2010 at 12:27AM

Penguins of Madagascar 10 replies

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over a year ago fun123fun said…
uuuh u mean Lt_kowlski
over a year ago ggreen7295 said…
over a year ago MsKowalski99 said…
Here's One ggreen7295 For Lt_Kowalski To Hear And The Joke Is A Science Joke From Lt_Kowalski's YouTube Channel: A Neutron Walks Into A Bar, Sits Down and Askes For a Drink.
The Neutron Asks How Much?
The Bartender Said No Charge
Ba Bum Chik (The Comedy Drum Solo Part) ANYONE PLZ TOP THAT IF U CAN AND IF U ARE GOING 2 NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
The team was watching Dr. Blowhole's every move. They saw him go to the dentist, watching a movie, and shining his skin. Private asks, "What's the point of watching him do THIS stuff?" And Skipper slaps him and answers, "Sweet, naive Private! Don't you know that everything he does has a porpoise!"

Ba bum chik! (comedy drum solo thing)
over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
I'm about to make a very important comment below:
over a year ago MsKowalski99 said…
big smile
@krazy4kowalski Realy? What Is The Comment That U R Going 2 Post?
over a year ago krazy4kowalski said…
I wasn't going to post anything. I just wanted to get on everyone's nerves. And it worked!
over a year ago SJF_Penguin2 said…
@ggreen7295: Hmm, I wonder if I can top my own drabble. I think the only way to answer that is with another drabble:

TITLE: Freudian Slip?

"Hey, Skipper, I heard that it didn't work out with your falcon friend," Marlene walked over to Skipper and said. "What happened?"

"Well, Miss Kitka kept her word not to eat any zoo animals," Skipper said, "but she almost succeeded in eating Fred."

"Fred?" Marlene asked. "That wouldn't be the same Fred that you guys tried setting me up with, would it?"

"That's the one," Skipper replied. "Kitka just kind of spit him up and he began talking to us, just as clueless as ever."

"Wow," was all that Marlene could reply.

"Now Fred is indeed a fool, but I never wanted anything bad to happen to him," Skipper continued. "So I simply had to tell Kitka that we should see otter people."

Marlene nodded to acknowledge what Skipper had said, then realized something particularly odd about it.

"Skipper, did you just say 'otter people'?" she asked.

"Um," Skipper stuttered, embarrassed by his little slip of the tongue, "well, you see–"

Skipper then cleared his throat to regain his composure.

"You see, Marlene, you are an otter, and you're standing right in front of me," he said, blushing. "I guess I mixed up the word 'other' with 'otter,' that’s all."

(From my "One Hundred Days of Drabbles: Double Time!" project on Written February 17, 2010.)
peacebaby7 commented…
I love that drabble! :D over a year ago
over a year ago fox_tamer_113 said…
Heres one from MagicsGoodsGenie


Private was starting to worry.

Kowalski hadn't moved in the past five hours. His brow was furrowed, his eyes bleary from staring at his clipboard, and he was chewing on the eraser of his pencil. And what worried him most is that when Private asked about Kowalski's latest inventions, Kowalski said merely a sentence, instead of a thirty-minute lecture. Even more confusing, the others didn't seem even the slightest apprehensive of the smart penguin's lack of activity.

Finally Private decided to ask Skipper what was wrong with Kowalski.

"Oh, that. He's trying to solve that sudoku with fractions." Skipper chuckled.
over a year ago peacebaby7 said…
Here's a skit I wrote once! ^_^ It follows the episode The Penguin Who Loved Me.

Everyone Has Limits

"No, you hang up first! No, you hang up first! No, you! No, you!"

It had been a week since Kowalski and Doris had finally become a couple, and Kowalski had helped Doris gain access to a phone on the coast. Now, the two of them were on the phone having a seemingly endless goodbye. They'd been going on like this for almost an hour, and it was getting on the team's last nerves.

"No, you! No, you!" Kowalski said over and over again from the side of the HQ, leaning over the table like a lovesick teenager.

Skipper rubbed his temples. "I don't think I can take this much longer…" he muttered to Rico, who was sitting next to him with earmuffs over his earholes. He didn't even realize Skipper had said anything.

"No, you! No, you hang up! No, you hang up first!" Kowalski continued…Still.

Out of nowhere, Private took the phone from him and held his flipper over the receiver. "No, me!" He held the phone to his beak. "Sorry, our HQ is going through a tunnel. Goodbye," he said before hanging up.

"Private! Why did you do that!?" Kowalski asked pulling the phone back and punching at the buttons.

Skipper stepped in between them and pulled the phone from Kowalski. "Sorry, Kowalski, but you really need to get off for the night."

"Why? It's not that late!" Kowalski protested.

"Kowalski, it's almost midnight," Skipper told him.

"Oh…Sorry, Skipper. A simple 'please get off the phone' would've been enough, though," he muttered.

"Sorry, Kowalski," Private said, "I just couldn't take it anymore!"

"Really, Private? I figured you would understand, considering you're the most tenderhearted out of all of us," Kowalski inquired.

"Sorry, Kowalski. But even sensitive guys have their limits."
last edited over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
Oh, that's one of your dabbles, isn't it? over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
^Yeah. :D over a year ago